How to open a shared mailbox in Outlook on the web
A shared mailbox makes it easy for a group of people to monitor and send email from a group, like When a person in the group replies to a message sent to the shared mailbox, the reply appears to come from the shared address, not from the individual person. You can also use the shared mailbox as a shared team calendar.
This access works via delegation into the account. If you get a permission denied message you will need to submit a ticket for request to that mailbox.
1. Sign in to your account in Outlook on the web -
2. Right click on the Folders label in the left panel and choose Add shared folder or mailbox -
3. Type in the address for the mailbox and hit enter -
4. You will now see this mailbox show up under your folders icon -
If you would like to open the mailbox in another tab please click on your initials in the top right corner and choose Open another mailbox -
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